Tuesday, October 15, 2013


Injustice (from March 28, 2010)

During this time, Alberto and I were going through a very difficult situation where we were being vilified and attacked for trying to introduce new ideas that we (and those whom we represented) wanted to see implemented. We felt a strong sense of injustice, of being unfairly attacked on personal levels, when all we wanted to do was bring about an opening of perspectives in an environment that was especially conservative, almost dictatorial.
I meditated a great deal during that time, trying to find the energy and will to act with love and wisdom. In one of my meditations, words flowed that shifted my thinking into what the true nature of this situation was all about.
It’s important to understand that their choices do not reflect on you as a person. They are not an attack on you, and do not make you any less of who you are. Their choices, and the consequences of those choices, are theirs alone.
Don’t be fooled by appearances, by what you perceive as their winning and your losing.
How are you any different than the Palestinian or Israeli who has lost a loved one, and is now asked to love their “enemy”? How is your situation right now, your thoughts, your feelings any different from theirs? How can you ask them to “love their enemy” when you yourself can’t do it? And all they did to you was injure your pride, your sense of right and wrong.
I tell you this…that until you find that forgiveness, that peace and love for your perceived enemy in this situation, no one in your outer world will be able to do it. The first step is within you.
Find that place of PEACE within you, and you have it found it for the world.
Find it, nurture it, and watch it expand to heal the world.
That is all you have to do.
You are the living Light and example.
Your strength in that feeling feeds it, gives it POWER… and it is that power, the power of that feeling, that energy, that vibration that heals you and, in consequence, the world.
Find that place of certainty, and with that certainty, you have healed the world.
It is no small task, for you are undoing millennia of evolution, of DNA and cells programmed with thought-patterns that are interconnected with feeling-patterns. The break (and healing) must happen on all levels.
That is the journey of peace…yours and humanity’s.
Me: How do I liberate myself from these feelings of injustice, of being wronged, of betrayal, of having lost a battle… they all weigh me down and distract me from being able to do all that you suggest.
The Light that you are can never be destroyed. You must understand that first. The flame that Moses saw is the flame and spark inside of you. That will never change. That is God in you wrapped in layers of flesh and density for the purpose of experimenting.
But this seed never dies. It only expands and burns more brightly as your knowing expands.
Release your thoughts. Breathe. Deeply. Drop into your heart. Your mind demands answers to your questions. But until you can FEEL your essence, you cannot arrive at an answer that satisfies both heart and soul, and not simply your mind.
The love in your heart makes your beautiful thoughts more beautiful, and amplifies them. In its presence, your negative thoughts can’t help but disperse and fade away. They are healed and transformed, not destroyed, in the presence of your love.
It is a heart filled with Divine Love that heals your thoughts, nothing more. Its presence moves you to tears for the exquisite beauty, simplicity and grace of your task.
There is nothing more to do than that…than to FEEL LOVE in every moment.
Your mind screams at you for more. It wants more concrete answers, solutions, affirmations…but the answer lies in the feeling of this energy called LOVE in every moment.
Look at your perceived enemy. Look closely. Where do you think that “enemy” truly is? Where do you think that energy came from? Who do you think put it there?
You placed that ‘dictator-you’ there to heal her, to give her the same light you give yourself.
Your heart is divided, and the only way it knew to show you its pain and division was to put it out for you to plainly see it, to touch it, to give it form.
While inside your heart, the pain remains nebulous, untouchable, formless.
Thus, in your quest for healing and Self-mastery, you decided to give your pain form.
The ‘dictator’ is your pain. She came forth from within your heart -- you gave her that form -- desiring nothing more than that she be seen so that you may understand her. She is you, the pain of a divided heart manifesting itself in this form so that you may finally see her, and bring her relief.
YOU are the projector. You project pain, feelings, experiences that need to be healed. You project them through the lens of your heart for the sole and soul purpose of bringing them the peace and love they/you truly desire.
When you express love towards them, you are expressing love towards yourself.
When you see them as wounds to be healed, you are seeing your wounds that are asking for healing.
To translate this knowledge into action requires tremendous courage.
Grow in love and appreciation for the ‘dictator-me’ or the ‘victim-me’ or the ‘fearful-me’. Fill your heart with love and appreciation for them/you.
Forgiveness is an energy that they will feel emanating from you. So is love.
You don’t have to do anything more than RADIATE that feeling/energy/vibration to them. Nothing more.

Grand gestures are not needed, for they may not be ready to receive them at this time. But they will be attracted to your energy, and in time, will embrace it.

It’s like a lover tentatively reaching out to a desired beloved. She will not necessarily embrace him all at once, but his love leaves an imprint that desires to grow, for that is the nature of love… to grow.

And so, send it out at all times. FEEL it at all times. Don’t merely think it. Your thoughts are not enough. Your FEELINGS are what are most needed.

And so shall you create peace.

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